Covid-19 has affected all aspects of human living, especially that of the least, the last, and the lost. The livelihood of the poor has been impacted the most. Many lost their source of income as businesses closed down, informal sector jobs restricted, supply chains were disrupted, and travel remained limited.

This had far-reaching implications to the lives of the poor. One of them is worsening their already meager capacity to access nutritious food. They are also unable to purchase hygiene and protective kits nor obtain primary healthcare should they get exposed to sickness. The urban poorโ€™s plight to secure a house they can call their home are also threatened as their savings to pay for mortgage or land equity are being used up for basic needs. Obtaining quality education will also become harder for marginalized youth as schools are transitioning to remote learning and poor families suffer from a digital divide.

In this testing time, the message to become imitators of the Good Shepherd and to continue the mission of Jesus in bringing Good News to the poor could not be emphasized enough. Pondo ng Pinoy, through the distribution of crumbs, is called to help the poor in coping and recovering from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. (PnPCFI)

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